[Better Time Challenge – Week 1]
Are you wanting something better today than yesterday? Maybe even more for tomorrow? Let us begin right now with “reflection”, and these three easy steps:
Step 1: Please take a moment and consider what you enjoyed the most over the past year or so. Create a list of things that you want to “continue” doing, or even “start” doing. This will be your “YES” list.
Step 2: Now make a list of whatever comes to mind that you want to “stop” or “minimize” doing. Hopefully you can identify at least one task that is not serving you well. This will be your “NO” list.
Step 3: Lastly, pick one item on your “YES” list and get it on your calendar immediately. Do your best to accomplish at least one thing you really want to do in the next twenty-four hours or so.
Now that you have the three easy steps, let us explore three possible examples to help you with implementing.
Example 1: Start exercising regularly (take a 10-minute walk every day). This could be done before work, on your lunch break, or when you get home. Try not to wait until late when you feel exhausted.
Example 2: Start saving for downpayment (schedule auto deduction from paycheck). Maybe you want to make a large purchase (like a house). Consistently saving some money every paycheck should help you with that full down payment.
Example 3: More quality alone time with spouse (schedule a “date night”). Maybe you two love birds could enjoy a quiet evening with food, music, recreation, or whatever you both would enjoy.
Now, please give yourself some grace. Remember that changes are never easy, but well worth it. Please take a moment right now and schedule something on your calendar. Taking action is your key to the results you desire.
“Under the Shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1),
Shawn Episcopo