[Better Money Challenge – Week 2]
Welcome back to the “Better Money Challenge”. I am so glad that you are willing to take a few moments and invest in a better future for yourself (and your loved ones). May others be inspired by your being proactive.
Last week, we considered “Income” and “Career”. Both of these are critical components to your financial situation (with respect of resources coming “toward” you). Do you feel more prepared for the weeks and months ahead (with a plan of action)?
This week, let us begin to transition and consider the resources flowing “away” from you. As always, I want you to remain in the driver’s seat. My goal is to only advise from experience. Ultimately, you and your Heavenly Father should decide the details.
Likely you are or were connected with a local church (at some point) that has some level of expectation for you to help and support the work. The giving of tithes and offerings is biblical and goes back thousands of years.
If you have interest in investing in a larger work (international or global), consider supporting one or more missions and/or humanitarian organizations. This is truly a great way to potentially help multiple countries and impact the “Global” Church.
Even outside of the non-profit areas for giving, consider someone you know of personally. Perhaps someone living within your community. You could consider giving away some of your own personal resources (to someone truly in need).
Can you think of a relative, friend or neighbor whom you could invite over to your home? Maybe share a simple lunch while talking about the interest of both of you. If you are not comfortable bringing this person inside, maybe enjoy the porch or yard area.
What about your colleagues or friends at work? Perhaps carpooling would allow the two of you to have a moment of private discussion (outside of the workplace). Or, sit with someone at lunch with whom you would otherwise have little or no interaction.
There is one more area I want you to be open-minded to, and that is “volunteer”. This can be rewarding inside the church (ministry) as well as within the neighborhood (community). You can always ask around and join with a friend.
Now that we have explored the idea of sharing, let us make certain that in doing so we are also being intentional. There is no reason to wait for something drastic to happen to get you and me to roll up our sleeves and do something kind and generous.
Please feel free to begin with baby steps. Specifically, giving and/or sharing could include letting go of extra things you have and really do not need. Releasing your surplus could make a huge difference for someone else.
Thanks for your willingness to be an extension of the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus. Remember, we are not placing any burdens (nor guilt) on you. Whatever you and your Loving Creator decide together is always enough.
Under the Shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1),
Shawn Episcopo