[Better Health Challenge – Week 4]


For this session, we are Identifying and removing everything that would be considered bad for your physical health.  As always, you are in the driver’s seat (and get to choose).  Remember, talk to your doctor before changing anything that may affect your health.

We should also look around for any distractions and allurements that may cause you needless temptation.  Things like advertisements or coupons for those high fat or sugary snacks that you are trying desperately to quit eating.

Let us begin preparing ourselves by thinking about what a better you may look like.  And then consider what you are wanting to change this week.  We will start refocusing more on the preferred end results and less on the desire to return to those old ways.


We begin by assessing the present.  Starting with things around the house that really must go.  So, what could be in your refrigerator, freezer, pantry and elsewhere that is not healthy enough for consumption.  Outdated items should probably go first.

What about something that was left in the car too long.  A bottle of soda or water that has been sitting in the hot sun.  Or, that open bag of chips that you forgot all about.  Possibly an old candy bar wrapper that will tempt you to purchase another.

The next time you find yourself at work, look for things you no longer want to incorporate into your routine.  Certain items in the snack machine.  If you have a cafeteria, what selections do you notice that seem worse and should be avoided.


As we transition from now to the future, how do you feel about your healthier home.  Buying only things that make you feel better, stronger and healthier.  While not keeping things around past the expiration date.

We have evaluated a better home, vehicle and workplace.  Honestly, your success is totally up to your ability to have some form of self-control.  That means no more hiding places or cheat days (to the best of your ability).

To make things really successful in life’s journey toward a better you, it is of utmost importance to obtain the help from a supportive family, friends and colleagues.  One or more individuals could serve as your accountability partner.


Now we want to really make this real.  So, let us begin by cleaning and removing all items that are hurting your better physical health.  Remember the saying, “out of sight, out of mind”?  Let us release those things which are not helping us at all.

To motivate you, take a moment and envision yourself in about three to six months.  How do you want to look and feel?  And what are you willing to say “no” to in order to create a better tomorrow for you?

Lastly, I want you to be open to the concept of overcoming bad habits for good.  For this week, we are only going to make small adjustments (whatever you decide to change).  If you have a cheat moment, okay.  Just get back on track and do it again.

Under the Shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1),

Shawn Episcopo
