[Better Health Challenge – Week 5]


Remember, you are in the driver’s seat and get to make every single decision for yourself.  I am here as a guide to help you with taking the next step in the direction that you desire (for your better health).

Like me, you also have a support network of people who can help you.  Think about your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and others who care.  And you have the “NoHusbandLeftBehind.com” community (including my wife and me).

Never forget: Always consult your doctor before making any changes that could affect your health.  You may even want to talk to your pharmacist if you are currently taking any medication.  Expert advice is definitely worth your time.


What about your physical health are you pleased with right now?  Over these last few sessions, we have considered Nutrition, Exercise, Rest and Detox.  Likely one of these is your stronger area.  It is okay if you want to do better in all four.

If you could say “no” to something this week, what would it be?  Maybe a food or beverage that you realize is not really adding anything to your health.  Perhaps distractions that are keeping you from sleeping soundly at night.

On the flip side. what could you say “yes” to this week?  Taking a walk on your lunch break could be an option.  Cleaning out your refrigerator, freezer, pantry or medicine cabinet may be a good idea as well.


A few months from now, what “one” thing will you be so happy that you took the time to change?  An example could be: I am excited to have lost ten pounds, mostly from reducing my sugar intake.

Who do you feel had a positive impact?  Hopefully I will be on your top 10 list.  Actually, I was thinking especially about which individuals acted as your accountability partners.  Those who kept you motivated with the end result which you desire.

How will you reward yourself for making the change?  Please do not splurge in something that will take you back to ground zero.  Maybe a day or two at the beach or in the mountains.  Or, dinner at your favorite restaurant.


Create “one” priority (area of primary focus) for the next 30 days.  I realize you may want to change multiple things.  Let us start with the most important thing.  Think back to which lesson had the most profound impact on your desire to make it happen.

Obtain commitment from “one” person who will be your accountability partner.  Maybe start with your best friend.  Unless they are aiding you in those problem areas now.  Pick someone who cares about you and wants the very best for you.

Spend a little time over the next week or two getting some expert advice from people you trust.  Talk to your doctor about possible changes you are considering.  Then, your pastor will likely give you words of encouragement to get you started right away.

Under the Shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1),

Shawn Episcopo
