[Better Time Challenge – Week 3]


Last week, we focused on “Gratitude”.  Have you created your list of “things” and list of “people” you are truly grateful for?  Did you also get a chance to say “thanks” to anyone on your list?

This week, we transition to “Priorities”.  Before we allow everything and everybody else to hijack all of our time, let us consider being proactive with our time.  You should stay in the driver’s seat (as much as possible).

Step 1: Identify “who” and “what” are MOST important (to you).  You can refer back to your two lists created last week.

Step 2: Consider “when” you need and want to set aside time for each priority.  Try to invest some time every day with the “things” and “people” you care about most.

Step 3: Schedule “where” you will connect with each person, and “how” you will utilize your time.  Probably best to create new experiences with those you love the most.

Now that we have identified the three easy steps, let us explore a few examples for practical application.

Example 1: For “who”, you could select your spouse. The “when” could be tomorrow (at noon). And the “where” will likely be your favorite park for a walk. This will give you two love birds some quality time together.

Example 2: Instead of who, maybe you identified a “what” (your truck). The “when” should be today (to make a phone-call). The “where” should be the mechanic. Since you rely on your vehicle, this one should not go longer than absolutely necessary.

Example 3: Another “who” could be a parent (your mom). The “when” will be scheduled for this weekend. And the “where” you decide will be at her house (providing some help with the cleaning). Maybe this is the way an adult son or daughter can demonstrate love and appreciation.

Hopefully one of these three examples has sparked some interest for your own list. Remember, you want to get the things you want to do on your calendar first (before others pull you away for their own selfish interests).

“Under the Shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1),

Shawn Episcopo
