[Better Time Challenge – Week 2]
Last week, we focused on “Reflection”. Did you invest some time into making your “YES” and “NO” lists? Also, what “one” thing did you decide to get onto your calendar and do?
This week, we transition to “Gratitude”. Since taking some time for reflection, consider what has changed, especially for good (over the past twelve months).
Step 1: Make a list of all the “things” which you are grateful for. If possible, try to identify at least ten.
Step 2: Next to each item on your list, note any other people who shared this experience with you. Or consider making a list of names of “people” to whom you are most grateful.
Step 3: Send a “thank you” to each person on your list. Also, remember to prayerfully thank God for giving you each opportunity.
Now that you have your three easy steps, let us consider three possible examples for implementing.
Example 1: Perhaps the “things” which you are grateful for include food, clothing, transportation, shelter, health, income, promotion, education, and more. What other things are on your list that you enjoy tremendously?
Example 2: Maybe your list of “people” includes your spouse, children, parents, in-laws, friends, neighbors, pastor, supervisor, colleagues, and others. Who else comes to mind with very fond memories (including those still alive and those who have passed)?
Example 3: For the people on your list, would you be willing to send a “thank you” to all or even some of them? You could send a quick note (text, DM, email, etc.) Maybe a card, letter or phone-call would be more meaningful. One person could even be upgraded to receive a gift, personal visit, or lunch with you.
Hopefully you feel inspired to share your feelings of gratitude with those whom you care about the most.
“Under the Shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1),
Shawn Episcopo